Friday, July 9, 2010

1. Integrating WebLogic Server with TIBCO EMS

As we have been talking about integrating Application Servers and different messaging systems, lets take a tour to see how to use TIBCO Enterprise Message Service to drive a Message Driven Bean deployed in WebLogic Server.

(In case you are looking for an example MDB and client, please get it from HERE. Please compile it and create a deployable JAR).

Make the following configuration changes to the WebLogic Server and the example MDB to use TIBCO EMS instead of WLS JMS subsystem.

A> Add the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service JAR file to the CLASSPATH of WebLogic Server.

B> Create the appropriate foreign JMSConnectionFactory and foreign JMSDestination for the foreign JMS Server, TIBCO Enterprise Message Service, in WebLogic. This is necessary to allow the WebLogic server to redirect lookups of ConnectionFactory and Destinations in its JNDI to TIBCO Enterprise Message Service's JNDI.

C> Create the appropriate JMS Destination object inside the TIBCO EMS using its administration tool.

D> Modify the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file for the MDB to use appropriate JMSConnectionFactory and JMSDestination.

E> Modify the client program to look up its administered objects from the built-in JNDI provider in TIBCO Enterprise Message Service.

A. Adding TIBCO Enterprise Message Service to the WebLogic CLASSPATH

Modify the CLASSPATH environment variable in WLS startup script by adding this path to the end of its value list:

C:\tibco\ems\clients\java\tibjms.jar (presuming you have installed TIBCO EMS in C:\tibco)

B. Creating Foreign JMSServer, JMSConnectionFactory, and JMSDestination in WebLogic

1> Start WebLogic Domain (Admin Server) and log in to Admin Console.

2> In the left pane, Create a Foreign Server under:
Services > Messaging > JMS Modules > MySystemModule > New > Foreign Server (my already created JMS Module name is "MySystemModule")

Enter TIBCO_JMSServer in the Name box, after creating, go to the Foreign Server and provide JNDI Initial Context Factory = com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory
JNDI Connection URL = tibjmsnaming://localhost:7222

Go to Connection Factories tab and create a new Connection Factory:
Name = TIBCO_JMSQueueConnectionFactory
Local JNDI Name = TIBCO.tcf
Remote JNDI Name = QueueConnectionFactory

Go to Destinations tab and create a new Destination:
Name = TIBCO_JMSQueue_quotes
Local JNDI Name = TIBCO.quotes
Remote JNDI Name = quotes

C. Creating appropriate JMS Destination object inside the TIBCO EMS

1> Start the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server by selecting Start -> Programs -> TIBCO Enterprise Message Service -> Start JMS Server from the Windows Start menu.

2> Start the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service administration tool by selecting Start -> Programs -> TIBCO Enterprise Message Service -> Start EMS Administration Tool from the Windows Start menu.

3> Enter the following commands:
> connect
> create topic quotes

D. Modifying the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file for MDB

To use the appropriate JMSConnectionFactory and JMSDestination modify weblogic-ejb-jar.xml as follows:

1> Replace the value for element with TIBCO.quotes.

2> Within the element and immediately after both instances of the element, add the following element:

E. Modify the Client

1. change the following:
QUEUE_NAME = "quotes";
CONNECTION_FACTORY = "QueueConnectionFactory";
PROVIDER_URL = "tibjmsnaming://localhost:7222";
java.naming.factory.initial = com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory

2. Verify that you have tibjms.jar in classpath.

Now everything is set, so deploy the MDB in WLS and test the client. If you can see your client program is sending messages and the MDB in WLS is consuming them and printing the o/p in WLS server startup prompt then we have successfully configured MDB deployed in WebLogic to listen to TIBCO EMS destination where messages are delivered by a standalone client.


  1. This doesn't work.

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